TERA was developed by Bluehole Studio out of South Korea.
#The bards tale barrels professional
I’m going to pretend that I’m a professional and that I want to talk about other things so I’m going to go through all the sections here.
#The bards tale barrels free
TERA, which stands for “The Exiled Realm of Arboria”, is a free to play third-person fantasy MMORPG set in the magical world of – okay, who am I kidding, this entire blog post is just going to be a rant about horrible, terrible armor design and if you don’t want to deal with this, just stop reading now. To him, it’s not about saving the world and I’m able to connect to the character more because he doesn’t have a lofty quest. Saving the world is just a means to the end of getting into the Enchantress’ pants - well it is if you’re snarky. The Bard’s only loyalties are to food, coin, and cleavage - not necessarily in that order– and I love that about him. Every minion has a different tune that The Bard plays on instruments from the lute to the Shadow Axe - minions can even be upgraded by finding more music for their song. Every tavern features a new song for the Bard to perform or listen to.

Oh yeah, and all the dialogue from the lowliest NPC is great.Ī game about bard’s has got to have music! And music the Bard’s Tale has. The Bard is voiced by Cary Elwes– though you might know him better as Wesley from the Princess Bride– and the Narrator is voiced by Tony Jay - though you might know him better as the Claude Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. The voice acting cast in this is really good. The Bard’s adventures will take him far and wide across the countryside so it’s important to mix up his minions to match the situation. Some minions help in other situations like the elderly Explorer who can disarm traps, pick up loot, and find secret passages –if you’re going dungeon delving this guy is a necessity– or the rat who can earn you extra coin by frightening tavern keepers or frighten other enemies in combat. Some summoned minions help in combat like the Mercenary who can dish out immense amounts of damage with his axe or the Witch who only ever learned healing spells. Thankfully, if he upgrades his instrument, he can employ various allies to help him in and out of combat. The Bard isn’t the greatest of fighters or thinkers. It’s always tempting which to choose just to see what The Bard will say.

It’s very important to learn when the Bard can throw his weight around or whether he should just keep his mouth relatively shut - besides, being snarky is much more fun anyway! It might seem worthwhile to spend the whole game being honest and at least a little polite but that’s not the case.

In conversation the game will prompt the player to make the Bard respond with a sarcastic snarky quip or to play it straight. The signature system of the game is the snarky vs. In the game you control the Bard as he travels and completes various quests - and argues with the narrator. It was one of the first games where I relaxed and had a good time. I stopped worrying about what I had missed or what would have happened if I had acted differently. It was one of the games I played where I was having so much fun I didn’t care if I found all the loot. The Banter between the Narrator and The Bard is comedy gold - especially when it’s ripping on videogame tropes. I can’t think of the last time I had as much fun or laughed as hard when I was playing a game. It’s competition was The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (PS2, XBox, and Gameboy advanced), Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Gamecube), and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2). The Bard’s Tale was released October 24th, 2004.

One fantasy game comes out with a good engine and the other developers all jump on it. The game is a lot like Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance and that would probably be because they both run on the same engine - which seems to happen a lot with fantasy games. It was 1985 and this was state of the fucking art.