it's basically Lemmings, Lemmings was a great game, and there weren't any remakes (at least those I know of) for over 20 years, so this one is very welcome Lemmings in zombie apocalypse setting: you guide a horde of zombies across puzzle-like levels, trying to infect all humans on the level. Not necessarily speed but recorded plays on leaderboards across all published versions, even DRM-free.) … Expand Unfortunately, it seems that this game isn't particularly popular? So grab it while it's still fresh and the publisher can see that they should keep this franchise alive!! (One more unfortunate thing - I feel that the game could've relatively easily been improved by having a scoring system similar to Dustforce. I guess what I'm really asking for is one or two or three sequels. I get that the developers wanted to mix it up and I guess every world has a bit of its own theme, even gameplay-wise and that's good - but I wanted more! It took me 16 hours, so. I was also hoping for more levels in the style of the earlier ones.

But having to search around for a secret room and stuff like that - No. Also, I wasn't fond of some challenges, like having to find secret rooms. The only thing I didn't like were some of the later levels that seemed kind of lazy design-wise by forcing the player to memorize at least parts of the levels. So it's definitely not a short game, especially considering the usual low indie game price. Time What a great game - finished it in 2 days. What a great game - finished it in 2 days.